Victorian Ash Timber Flooring Fire Test

The wide Victorian Ash board has been fire tested by the Australian Wood Testing Authority, AWTA. Feel free to click on the file on the left and download it.

Victorian Ash Timber Flooring Slip Test

The wide Victorian Ash board has been slip tested by the Australian Wool Testing Authority, AWTA. Feel free to click on the file on the left and download it.

Lifestyle Brochure – 2013

Although some products have been discontinued it’s always good to reminisce the old. However do not forget that we are the manufacturer, so if there’s a colour we don’t stock, it doesn’t mean we can’t make it anymore. Please take a look and if you have any questions, please let us know.

Lifestyle Brochure 2015

The lifestyle picture we picked was a recently finished house that had one of our most popular timber flooring installed. We also included 6 of the most popular wide oak boards at the back. Please have a look and download it if you want to keep a copy.

Oslek Floor Care Instructions

Oslek floor care instructions will provide you a general overview on how to look after the new floor you have just bought. Take a look.

Oslek Installation Instructions

Oslek installation instructions will provide you a general overview on how your floor should be laid. Have a look.

Timber Flooring Fire Test

Our European timber floorboards have been fire tested by the AWTA, Australian Wool Testing Authority. Feel free to click on the file on the left and download it.

Timber Flooring Slip Test

Our European timber floorboards have been slip tested by the Australian Wool Testing Authority, AWTA. This is so that the boards can be specified by architects. Feel free to click on the file on the left and download it.

Warranty for 4mm and 6mm lamella flooring products

Lifetime structural warranty, 20 years wear warranty and technical data